Friday, October 15, 2010

so. freaking. full

what Good Stuff will do to you:
{amanda, full}

{jamie, full}

{my belly, full}

ate SOOoooooo many french fries
with our burgers and sodas...

probably not a sustainable habit, but oh so yummy


cailen ascher said...

haha sounds like a hearty meal. what a way to start the day! tgif!

(ps found you via 20sb! hi!)

Robot 1986 said...

Amanda: What a magnificent piece of marketing. I wonder what sort of pizza topping the creator enjoys. Maybe it is Pineapple. Yeah. Definitely Pineapple.
Jamie: Is Canon better then Nikon? Maybe I should run by Ritz Camera to do a comparison. Ugh... but then I'll be upset with whatever decision I made about my own camera because it will lack the features of the other. BUT I COULD ONLY AFFORD ONE! Ugh... I should buy another lottery ticket and hope for the best.
Danielle: Shit... did I just stain another white shirt again! Ugh... its going to be so awkward to go back to TJ Max to purchase another set of white T's from that cute fellow who chose a life in retail rather then his passion for Chinese checkers.